these web pages
CSV files containing the public rights of way of Rutland |
This web page explains how public rights of way data for Rutland has been obtained and how the data has been released with a licence that enables you to use this data.
It also explains how I've produced some KML files from this data.
These KML files are called
There are two other KML files
that have been derived from the authority's data.
I have combined the KML that are in the files
Finally, the KML in the file " From each of these KML files, I have created a CSV file that has a column for each element of the KML file. The first line of each CSV file has details of the licence with which the file has been released. The second line has names for each column of the CSV file that describes the contents of that column. Each of the other lines of the CSV file describes one section of a public right of way. The columns of the line are separated by the "|" character. These CSV files can be obtained by using one of the links given below. Depending on which link you use, there may be an extra two columns added to the end of each line. The first of these columns has a link to a map centred on the first point of the public right of way and the second has the coordinates of the route of the public right of way.
As explained on this web page, the data for Rutland is released under license. So it's possible for you to use the data in these CSV files provided you give an attribution. An authority's Definitive Map is the authoritative source of their rights of way. The details of the public rights of way network contained in an authority's data are for information only, and are an interpretation of the Definitive Map, not the Definitive Map itself, and should not be relied on for determining the position or alignment of any public right of way. For legal purposes, an authority's data does not replace their Definitive Map. And changes may have been made to the Definitive Map that are not included in their data. The authority's data contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. This web site also provides information about the public rights of way of Rutland in KML format, in GPX format and in GeoJSON format.