these web pages
request for GPX file(s) containing the public rights of way of City of Bristol |
Information about how public rights of way data for City of Bristol has been obtained appears on this web page.
That web page also explains how the data has been released with a licence that enables you to use this data.
The date of this data is 23rd January 2025.
That web page also explains how I've produced a KML file from this data.
This KML file is called "
This web page enables you to produce one or more GPX files from " Credit: When Googling about using GPX with the OSMAnd app, I came across this web page by Nick Johnston. It made me grasp the nettle of providing the ability to break up a GPX file into fragments. I'm also grateful to Nick for his feedback on earlier versions of these web pages for generating GPX files. Other formats: This web site also provides information about the public rights of way of City of Bristol in other formats: the original data provided by City of Bristol, in KML format, in CSV format and in GeoJSON format. |